Produced at the 2008 BHCA National Specialty in Plano Texas, the BHCA Member Education Committee hosted their first Basset Hound University "Voices of Experience" Seminar Series.
The below seminars may be viewed online (slow download). For those that weren't there or wish to review the topics, this series allows you to enjoy a day that was filled with discussions on breeding, grooming, conditioning & showing the Basset Hound.
These are large files – give them time to come up.
Hosted by Claudia Orlandi, Ph.D. Participants: Robert E. Booth (Hiflite); Barb Cromley (Lochopt); Scott Deans (Foxglen); Sharon Dok (Castlehill’s); Claire Steidel (Sanchu); Joan Urban (Fort Merrill); Claudia Orlandi (Topsfield).
Click the DVD to View
Tips on Socializing, Conditioning, Training and Handling.
Presented by Bryan Martin (Professional Handler), Scott & Betsy Deans (Foxglen) and Sharon Nance (Bobac).
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