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405 Quiz Multiple Choice

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Which of the following are not allowed in all levels of Rally?

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Deductions totaling more than how many points render a non-qualifying score?

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The Rally course has signs, numbered sequentially, similar to what other performance event?

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AKC Regular Rally has how many different exercises?

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You would enter the "B" class if ( choose 2)

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Which dogs are allowed to compete in Obedience?

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You have a choice of how to finish your dog after the recall.  They are: (select 2)

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Which is not true of the Open classes?

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In the retrieve on the flat, the dog must:

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The broad jump is

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The Drop on Recall uses the principal features of the Novice recall except

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In the Retrieve on the Flat

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In the Signal Exercise you will “signal” your dog to

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Part of the Directed Retrieve exercise is

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In the Moving Stand you or your dog  may do all of these – except-

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For  the Directed Jumping, you will first

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One of the jobs of the steward in the Scent Discrimination exercise is

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The Versatile Companion Dog title is awarded to dogs earning titles in :

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The Graduate Open Class includes which exercises?

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Which of the following are true of the Team Class ?

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Which of the following is not correct in regards to the CGC test?

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Which of the following is necessary to achieve your OTCH?

Your score is

The average score is 72%
